by Katie Kroening, LCSW |CADC | Clinical Director
1. Address your timeline of fears and hurts: when did this start, what events led to these feelings and emotions?
2. Explore and write down feelings and thoughts from each of these events that have been suppressed, and hidden from healing.
3. Courageously care for your story; Take Action! Have the conversations you've needed to have with loved ones, bosses & children. Do not hand over power to others due to fear of situation, or by others' rejection or criticism of you; your wellbeing has to be first. You are a person and your feelings and thoughts matter. Honor yourself in this or you're in a codependency trap. Ensure you share your truth in a respectful way so the content of what is said is clear. Set boundaries around the reaction of others if the response of others is disrespectful, abusive, belittling, controlling, or if you feel you're being gaslit (things are turned around on you; you’re left feeling worse after having shared feelings with someone). I've heard the saying, "Motion is lotion" (quote by Louis Gifford, a Physiotherapist speaking on the healing in the physical body); consider how this concept directly relates to mental wellness: initiate movement/motion, take steps to loosen your grip on anxieties, sadnesses and hurts. Sitting on the couch, staying in dark places that induce fear and sadness is not the answer.
4. Independent Healing: Sometimes we need to heal without those who have
harmed us. We may need to leave a job, relationship, or situation if we are still unsafe in this situation; or, at the very least, set different boundaries so we are respected. Seek a caring counselor to help you with how to heal independently.
5. Forgiveness: Let go and be free of the burden of carrying the anger toward the other/or situation. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting or letting go of your boundaries. It just means you take back ownership of your heart, mind and spirit. Freedom is forgiveness.
6. Medication: sometimes with severe depression or anxiety that is debilitating, under a doctor’s care, certain medication can help reduce your symptoms to a comfortable level so that you can do the hard work of healing through counseling and addressing your pain.
7. Professional Help: Reach out for help. The Center for Courageous Living cares about all people struggling with anxiety and depression and you not alone. We care deeply for people and truly desire to help others know the freedom of healing. We believe that through faith, courage and connection with caring others, you can truly heal and find hope.
We will schedule you with licensed, highly trained, caring and compassionate counselors who can help you feel safe; we will support you in taking steps to freedom from depression and anxiety.
Please get help and call today.
Intake Department:
Phone: 815-707-4806
Email: Gia@centerforcourage.com